The Odd Off ON Couples

The two couples met every month on the first Monday at the cafeteria, because no one else ever frequented the cafeteria at that odd post lunch pre-dinner off hour. Every time they met it was as if for the first time. They would greet each other anew and introduce themselves, because none of them remembered … Continue reading

The Magnet

I am on Your mind for good so You are on my mind more and more. The more I realize that I am constantly in the fondness of Your thoughts, the more my own thoughts are turned and drawn toward You in return, like little iron filings to a great magnet. Continue reading

Marvelous Silence

The accusations against Jesus did not even rise in his mind to the level of being worthy of a response from him. God forbid that our prayers should ever fall into that category. Since they amounted to nothing, he said nothing in response. He would not so lower himself. Pilate the presiding Roman governor marveled … Continue reading

Stolen Coat

A man walks into a worksite with a shovel over his shoulder. He pauses, puts the shovel aside momentarily, takes off his coat, and finds a place to store it, before taking up the shovel to dig. He pauses briefly to mop the sweat off his brow for it is a hot afternoon.(The hymn, “We … Continue reading

Reffing the Referee

The setting is a boxing ring. The two fighters are introduced one after the other. Each raises his arms and nods to the cheering crowd. Then the bell sounds and the fight begins as the two fighters begin to test each other and probe for a weakness or a lowered guard. Each is looking for … Continue reading