Who We Will Be We Already Are

Jesus was born in a feeding trough, circumstances that already anticipated his eventual claim to be the bread of life come down from heaven to nourish our souls. It is a fact that there are often clues in birth and rebirth experiences which anticipate the destinies of those involved. Consider Saul before his road to Damascus experience, how he went to the high priest requesting letters to take to the synagogues for the purpose of arresting early Christians. Later that same Saul better known as the apostle Paul would seek the true High Priest, the risen Jesus Christ for the revelation that would fill his letters that would be carried to the congregations all over the Near East to capture the hearts of the believers to follow their Savior in a radical way, as the sold-out and willing love slaves of their day that would turn their world upside down.
In my own case I was in Spain at the time of my conversion experience, working as a fisherman, of all things, with a team of Spanish beach-seine fishermen. Today I am a fisher of men specializing in reaching out to Hispanic immigrants and Hispanic congregations using the language for which I gained the rudiments back in those days in Spain. I knew I had to do something like this, though not limited to this, from the time I found that my Spanish strangely became more fluent when discussing anything spiritual in that tongue. Those early rebirth experiences were and are the seeds for everything that was and is to come already contained within them. Who we will be we already are!

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