Despite Our Resistance

I was surprised to find,  in re-reading Ezekiel Chapter 20,  that Yahweh reminds Ezekiel and the reader that the children of Israel were not delivered from bondage in Egypt because they deserved it or were listening to the voice of their God.  No,  we are informed that it was despite their rebellion and because of God’s name and reputation that they were delivered, because the surrounding nations knew that Yahweh was Israel’s God and therefore was responsible for them.

Was He strong enough to take care of them and preserve them in danger or not?  That is what the nations would be thinking and asking themselves.  Yahweh was poised to destroy the nation of Israel and start over with Moses and a handful of the faithful ones, had not Moses interceded wholeheartedly for mercy in behalf of the people. (Numbers 14)  It appears though that his intercessions began before they arrived in the wilderness.

We would find the same rebellion and disobedience if we examined the timely deliverances we have experienced in our own lives.  We do not deserve the deliverances that have come and continue to be performed in our lives by a faithful God who seeks to show those around us,  in response to the intercessions of Jesus our compassionate High Priest directly and through a faithful remnant of prayer warriors,  that He is able to preserve and prosper His people no matter what their shortcomings.  Thank God for those faithful ones who prayed for us and have prayed for us without our ever knowing it!

If God does all that He does despite so much of our resistance, imagine what would happen and what will happen as we learn to better cooperate with the promptings and whisperings of the Holy Spirit!  It is already beginning to happen…….

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