The Parable of the Stem and the Hat

There was once a confrontation between a rose stem and a hat. The rose was turned stem outward and used as a weapon against the hat which was situated on the floor in the center of a large room. The stem slapped against the hat time after time but, of course, the hat did not respond but was only slapped around the floor all over the center of the room. So really it was no contest, no confrontation at all because the hat could not counter or defend itself. If the hat had a cheek it would certainly have been turning it. So what’s the point of this parable? The stem represents the acronym S_T_E_M which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. The hat represwents the acronym H-A-T, which stands for
Humanities, Art, and Theology. These two groups are not really opponents at all, but more like team-mates or collaborators. They are more like different organs or members of the same body intended to work together but that are often pitted against each other as adversaries or competitors, as though one must choose one or the other. This then is the epitome of a false dilemma. But the parable is not finished yet because in the end, and before the rose is completely ruined, it is turned rightside up, and the bearer of that rose then picks up the hat, before it’s crumpled completely out of shape, dusts it off, and places it elegantly on his head and leaves the large room to go and deliver the rose to a loved one, someones who really needs a rose that day (and who doesn’t?) and would be encouraged to receive it.

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