Crocodile Tears

The young bride buried her head in the pillow and wept big crocodile tears. She had no idea her new married life would be filled with such limitations. Suddenly though the wailing ceased and she peeked out from under her pillow to see if her husband was paying attention, to see if he was even still in the same room. That was the dead giveaway. Her husband saw immediately that she could turn off and on the tears at will. Through this crying act she was attempting to manipulate him as she had done with her own father so many times as a girl, as she had done as often as it took to thoroughly wrap him around her little finger. And now she was proceeding with the formidable challenge of doing the same with the young man she had just recently married. It was to be a formidable challenge because the young man had been equally spoiled by use of similar tactics employed with his doting mother not many years before. So another ill-fated marriage was off to the races! In this instance she knew that he knew it was an act, which helped her to know it better herself, and thus to be in a position to make a choice to come out of a selfish manipulative behavior. That was their only hope: to be able to help one another out of and to allow themselves to be helped out of infantile patterns of behavior that had helped them get their childish ways for way too long a period, but now had to be shed like an ancient layer of skin.

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