Royal Priesthood

It was good to be reminded recently that as believers we are part of a priesthood, and a priesthood implies a High Priest and our High Priest is Jesus. And a priesthood also implies the responsibility to offer sacrifices. The writer of the book of Hebrews (Chapter 13) tells us that the sacrifices that we have the privilege to offer include continual praise and doing good, and sharing what we have and who we are. We are individual priest-members of a priesthood under our High Priest Jesus and it so happens that our priesthood the Apostle Peter tells us is a ROYAL priesthood. Furthermore James tells us that loving one another as we love ourselves is the royal law. So as we begin to do that we are behaving and functioning more like the true kings and queens, princes and princesses we are called to be. And when our offerrings as priests are offerred in that kind of love they are a sweet incense before our loving God, who can wholeheartedly relate to them and rejoice in them, and delight in them!

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